
The Explaining Atheism programme aims to help us better understand what has led us to the current picture of atheism and agnosticism around the world and, based on that understanding, consider what the future may hold for the number and diversity of atheists and agnostics.

As these are not only academic questions, but also common matters of public debate, we are keen to engage the public and the media in our work. We hope that the results of the programme will help produce more informed and better-evidenced public discourses around these sometimes contentious issues.

Our outreach work has two strands: 

First, throughout the programme we are working with a small team of journalists and public figures with an interest in atheism, agnosticism, and other forms of non-belief. By engaging this team, we hope to make sure that popular theories about atheism are included in our work and that measures we use in our research have been discussed with people from a range of backgrounds, areas of expertise, and concerns.    

Second, we have a funding initiative specifically for creatives, content makers and curators. These projects bring different perspectives to Explaining Atheism’s academic work and will take our findings out to broad audiences and diverse communities.

Outreach Projects: